The Album is Done
Guy and Sam, fixing something
Yes, the album is done. DONE! 12 songs. Lots of vocals. I'm very proud of it. Great playing by all the band members. An exquisite string arrangement for Feeling It Now by Charly. Here's a taste:
I'm working with some folks on the "launch plan", so to speak, so stand by for now. In the meantime I'd like to thank the folks at Dubway Studios in lower Manhattan, especially Sam Palumbo - guitarist, singer, songwriter (aka Patch Kid), engineer, and ProTools whiz-kid. Sam has great ears, patience, and great musical sense. I learned a lot from him. Also big thanks to Dubway owner Al Houghton, studio manager Nicole Muzii, and the rest of the staff.
And before I sign off, here's another taste from the album, a guitar solo if you'll indulge me:
WATCH THIS SPACE. And as always, thanks for listening.