Semi Gaslighting
One of my favorite expressions is “it’s the exception that proves the rule”. I mean, what are rules for if not for breaking, amiright? And what does this have to do with my new song? NOTHING, as it turns out.
Well, another favorite is “same difference”. I’m still not sure how it’s supposed to mean what it’s supposed to mean. And I’m not going to inundate you with a bunch of Wiktionary and Grammarist and Free Dictionary blah blah blah in the wielding of pretentious erudition as a cudgel, allegedly in the service of enlightenment.
But where was I? Uh…thinking about “same difference” did conjure up some thoughts about those relationships where you think everything is ok, but actually maybe things are not what they seem to be. I think of it as a form of gaslighting. This could be coming from your partner, your boss, your co-worker, your contractor, your (so-called) friend, your … random political candidate. I’m sure you’ve all had this experience at one time or another.
I tend to trust people, to believe what they say, so I can be late to the “oh THAT’S what’s going on” party. I dislike cynicism, and while I’m fond of healthy skepticism when appropriate, I really don’t like to live my life looking for ulterior motives all the time. Anyway, we’re exposed to enough scams and “alternative truths” on a daily basis to be wondering if that’s the real currency of our social contract. So I want a safe space for trust and gullibility, even if by letting down my guard I get taken advantage of. JUST DON’T CROSS ME.
DISCLAIMER: This song is NOT about any of my current relationships, all of which are rooted in honesty and integrity. So just stop thinking what you’re thinking.
Maybe you like the song, maybe you don’t. What do I care? Same difference, innit? Or, as they say, It Is What It Is.