You undoubtedly know about the many months that The Beatles spent performing live in Hamburg, Germany, honing their craft and becoming a great band – all before their ultimate commercial success in the UK, the USA, and the world. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell famously encapsulated this key to success in the “10,000 hour rule”. Well, we get it, and we are DOWN with the plan. We know that Storytown is a darn good band, but we aspire to more – to true greatness. So, we are proud to announce our upcoming 10,000 Hours in Hamburg Tour!
Read MoreI know it’s been forever since our great show at The Cutting Room on January 28 of 2020, and I can only partially blame the pandemic for the long delay. This quick recap serves as the kickoff of a renewed Storytown blog, with shorter and more frequent posts on a wider variety of subjects than in the past.
Read MoreGuy recaps the fourth installment of Stories from Storytown, our communal evening of evocative storytelling about music over the years in New York City by those who were there - artists, managers, writers, studio owners, and fans. It was live at the legendary Bitter End, in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village.
Read MoreStories from Storytown 5 comes to The Cutting Room Tuesday January 28, 7pm., featuring Dennis Dunaway, Merri Cyr, and Danny Goldberg.
Read MoreStories from Storytown roars back to the legendary Bitter End with guests David Browne, "Serious Bob" Laul, and Jessica Dye. Come listen and rock.
Read MoreGuy recaps the fabulous third installment of Stories from Storytown, our communal evening of evocative storytelling about music over the years in New York City by those who were there - artists, managers, writers, studio owners, and fans.
Read MoreStories from Storytown 3! Wednesday September 4, 7pm, Caveat NYC. Amy Rigby, Andy Schwartz, and Tish and Snooky Bellomo. FUN!
Read MoreAfter a premature blog posting a few days ago, we share the completed story of online reaction to the Broken Promise Land video. It's a bit long, but we think it’s worth it. Please tell us what you think.
Read MoreWe recap the second installment of Stories from Storytown, with stories about Bruce Springsteen, the Naked Cowboy, and Captain Beefheart. Yes.
Read MoreSave the date: The second installment of Stories from Storytown, July 3, features David Hajdu, Wendy Magro, and Gary Lucas.
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